Certified INUSpheresis®
Center Basel

Toxicant - Induced Loss of Tolerance (TILT)

TILT-related symptoms can affect all organ systems. Neurological symptoms such as memory problems, brain fog, and mood swings are common and often disabling.

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Ayus BodyClearance®
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Disease pattern

The symptom of toxic-induced loss of tolerance occurs after a two-phase process.

The process is initiated (phase 1) when one has been exposed to larger amounts of a certain substance or to smaller amounts over a longer period of time. Phase 2 consists of stress symptoms with a delayed onset.

Affected patients can develop symptoms in various organs. These may include, for example, memory problems and disturbed thought processes. Unusual mood changes may also occur. Likewise, gastrointestinal problems, allergy-like reactions, headaches, fatigue or muscle pain are observed.

The reactions are very individual, but ultimately due to the loss of tolerance to the triggering substances.

Triggering substances can originate from chemicals (e.g. substances absorbed via indoor air such as artificial fragrances, substances contained in paints and varnishes, etc.), medications (auxiliary and active substances) or foodstuffs. However, it is important to remark the difference to ordinary allergies, which are triggered by usually harmless substances.

In the case of loss of tolerance, the balance of defense and tolerance mechanisms, which is inherent in every healthy organism, becomes unbalanced in the face of pollutants. The defense reactions take over and can lead to serious physical impairments and damage. Many patients report drastic changes, drastically reducing their quality of life and physical abilities.


Detoxification capacity

Detoxification capacity of the human body

We are exposed to a multitude of toxic stresses daily. We can hardly avoid pesticides in almost all agricultural products, and countless flavorings, coloring, and preservatives in food. The list of food additives is almost unimaginable.  

Further exposure to chemicals also arises from personal care with toxic ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products. Surfactants are ubiquitous; in dishwashing detergents, soaps and laundry detergents as well as in household cleaning products. Likewise, we absorb these chemicals from the air, such as solvents from paints and other furnishings.

A healthy body has a high detoxification capacity. However, this is very individually designed. For example, some people can tolerate alcohol very well and some very poorly. Statistically, men produce twice as much alcohol dehydrogenase to break down alcohol as women. It is also known that indigenous peoples of the Americas genetically have only a reduced capacity for alcohol dehydrogenase.

MCS patients have a disturbed detoxification capacity. In particular, the pollution that has been increasing for decades probably leads to a continuous increase in the number of environmentally ill people.







Inuspheresis® as a helpful therapy

Inuspheresis® has proven to be effective and helpful in many cases of MCS. A systematic detoxification treatment has helped numerous sufferers to alleviate their symptoms. Inuspheresis® supports us effectively and in the long term through differentiated blood purification and relieves us of dangerous ballast.



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in Basel

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