Certified INUSpheresis®
Center Basel


Giving life more years

Remove toxins - Reclaim your health
Ayus BodyClearance®
Environmental medicine? Read interview



Vitality and well-being at any age

Our journey begins with an integrative lifestyle analysis. This includes a medical history, and usually laboratory diagnostics with an assessment of individual genetic, hormonal, nutritional and biochemical conditions.

Our diagnostic tests and treatments are designed not only to regulate the ageing process and improve cell regeneration, but also to improve each individual's quality of life.


The art of balance

Living in balance

The term homeostasis is used to describe complex, vital processes by which the body maintains its internal balance despite external and internal changes. In short, it is about regulation in a dynamic system. However, this balance can be disturbed by a variety of factors such as environmental influences, chronic stress, existing illnesses or a weakened immune system.

If our organism can no longer manage homeostasis, we find ourselves in an imbalance, which in turn impairs the function of our biological systems. These imbalances can lead to health problems, including chronic and autoimmune diseases, impaired immune function and premature ageing.

A simple example of homeostasis is temperature regulation: the body maintains a constant core temperature, usually around 37°C. If the outside temperature rises or falls, the body reacts by sweating or shivering to regulate the temperature.

The function of homeostasis takes place in a large number of systems and organs in the body. The body tries to achieve and maintain a balance via feedback loops.

Rethinking healthcare

In our modern world, technological and industrial progress is leading to increasing environmental pollution, which affects our health and thus healthy ageing. Increasing urbanization and industry are exposing us to environmental toxins such as air pollution and water and soil contamination, which pose new risks to our health.

In order to remain capable of acting as a society, it is crucial that our healthcare system takes greater account of the importance of prevention, that we live more consciously and that innovative therapies are developed. In this way, we can reduce negative influences on our health and well-being and develop positive approaches to maintain our ability to participate in everyday life and society.

Biological ageing begins at the age of 30 at the latest and manifests itself through various physiological, (epi-)genetic and biochemical changes that are closely linked to chronic diseases and cognitive decline. By slowing down biological ageing, we can significantly reduce the severity of many chronic conditions.

As we observe a demographic shift, with over 20% of the Swiss population over 65 - a figure that is expected to rise significantly - the urgency of new approaches to improve the health and maintain the ability to participate of older people is undeniable.


Improve matrix regulation

Detoxify the body

Detoxification relieves the organism. By relieving the internal regulatory systems and the cellular matrix, our body can carry out its natural functions more efficiently and better maintain its natural balance, and we work with you to develop a personalized therapy concept to detoxify the body and, above all, to stimulate self-regulation.


Healthy ageing


The term longevity refers to the lifespan of a person or organism. The influencing factors are determined by the interaction of bodily functions and structures, activity level and social participation as well as environmental and personal context factors.

In addition to longevity, there should also be a focus on long-term quality of life, particularly in old age. In other words, it is not just about living longer, but also and above all about improving quality of life in old age.

In addition to (epi)genetics, key factors therefore include access to clean water, hygiene with advanced medical care, nutrition, exercise and individual resilience and how to deal with stress factors.

Our 'Healthy Ageing' program uses innovative techniques to reduce risks associated with age-related chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, frailty and dementia. These concepts open up new possibilities for maintaining health and extending the active years of life.

Both ancient and more recent traditional medicine, e.g. Kneipp's, have already developed approaches to improve health and quality of life through targeted strategies and adjustments to morning routines, lifestyle and diet, thereby promoting well-being and longevity.



Questions, Contact & Appointments
in Basel

Do you have any questions or need expert advice? We are here for you. Use our convenient online booking tool to make an appointment quickly or contact us by phone for a personal initial consultation.

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